Dedicated Server Hosting
Transform Excellence with Webberstop

Dedicated Server Hosting

Clients not only get root access but also full control of their dedicated server. It caters specifically to the needs of individual clients without compromising on security, speed, and functionalities.

A dedicated server is a kind of remote server committed to a single corporation or application. The dedicated server cost is higher than shared hosting plans and is ideally hosted and handled by the hosting service provider (like WSI), or the managed cloud service provider (CSP). A dedicated server is restricted and is not shared with any other client website, service, or application hence costs more. Dedicated server pricing includes all the resources a website needs to run optimally. In total, the higher dedicated server cost will equate to the higher value, better performance, and robust security than shared hosting solutions.


Though the dedicated server pricing is a little higher than other forms of hosting options, it caters specifically to the needs of individual clients without compromising on security, speed, and functionalities. Clients not only get root access but also full control of their dedicated server. A dedicated server offers practicality by acting as a virtual in-house server that is closely monitored, hosting processes for the client, and maintained by the backend provider. The client remotely associates with the dedicated server across the web to present a collection of server-based services. A dedicated server could also be utilized to host specific applications or services, like information storage and end-user data handling. A dedicated server could also additionally be utilized internally within an organization to host and supply in-house services and processes like executing applications or allowing highly collaborative projects.

Benefits of selecting a Dedicated hosting at Webberstop:
  • Server resources don't get shared
  • Increased performance and security
  • Less overheads for maintenance
  • Distinctive IP address
  • Flexibility
Distinct Features of Our Dedicated Server:
  • Root Access
  • Outstanding Support
  • High-bandwidth Servers
  • Free Setup of Servers & Upgradation
  • 99.99% Guaranteed Uptime
  • Anti-Spam & Anti-Virus Protection

Server resources don't get shared

Increased performance and security


Distinctive IP address

Less overheads for maintenance

We value you


Root Access

It offers complete control over the servers. Clients can run customized firewall applications, and can control data usage policy effortlessly.

Free Setup of Servers & Upgradation

Our IT experts offer the best, quickest and most reliable server setup and upgradation.

High-bandwidth Servers

All of our servers are high-bandwidth powered by premier network connection providers.

99.95% Guaranteed Uptime

With our SLA backed server, we guarantee our clients an uptime of 99.95%.

Anti-Spam & Anti-Virus Protection

We ensure your email is best protected from virus and spam.

Outstanding Support

24*7 Technical support via Live Chat, Phone or Email, and Server Monitoring.